Peptides at VitaLifeMD

Dr. Read reviews more Peptides offered at VitaLifeMD

SS-31 peptide (Elamipretide) 

SS-31 (Elamipretide) is a small, aromatic peptide that easily penetrates cell and organelle membranes.  It is a mitochondria-targeted peptide with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

SS-31 addresses mitochondrial dysfunction and promotes energy production (ATP) inside the cells by stabilizing the enzyme cardiolipin within the mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cells). Cardiolipin acts as a fundamental component of the electron transport chain, the machinery by which most energy needed for cellular functioning is produced.  For these reasons SS-31 can benefit many chronic long-term illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, chronic fatigue and more. 

SS-31 is unique in its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and is highly concentrated within the inner membrane of the mitochondria in the brain. SS-31 shows some promises in the treatment of many neurodegenerative and cognitive disorders such as MS, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson. It can protect against the risk of cognitive decline and memory loss linked to age.  

SS-31 enhances physical endurance. Cardiolipin is thought to be a major component of the mitochondrial function in muscles.  Mitochondrial myopathy is characterized by everything from muscle weakness and exercise intolerance to heart failure, seizures, and neuromuscular degenerative diseases.  SS-31 is the first peptide to ever undergo clinical trials as a potential treatment for mitochondrial myopathy. It was granted orphan drug status by the FDA for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and is currently tested in other muscular or cardiovascular diseases. Besides its excellent effects on enhancing physical activity and cognitive function, SS-31 can also minimize the risk of cardiovascular diseases, particularly an age-related cardiac condition called diastolic dysfunction that restricts the heart from functioning properly. Dr. Fradin-Read has examples of patients who are using this peptide on a regular basis and were able to restore a satisfactory heart function when they were given only a few months to live some years ago.  

Finally, some anti-aging research is investigating SS-31 for its ability to reverse mitochondrial dysfunction and premature cell death. The mitochondrial dysfunction theory of aging and the free radical theory of aging are intertwined, and both would be addressed by the intracellular benefits of SS-31 which could become one of the best antiaging peptides available for human use. Preclinical studies suggest benefits in muscle aging, atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, and even glaucoma.

SS-31 is administered in the form of a daily small subcutaneous injection. Its safety profile has been evaluated in several clinical studies.  The peptide appeared to be safe and was well-tolerated with no serious adverse effects except for an allergic reaction at the site of injection in rare cases. 

Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read admits using SS-31 regularly as it has become one of her favorite peptides to support her energy and cognitive function especially when facing heavy intellectual workload. 

AOD 9604 (Advanced Obesity Drug 9604) 

AOD 9604 also referred to as “the fat burning peptide,” is a peptide constituted of 15 amino acids that shares a structure with the molecule of growth hormone (HGH). AOD 9604 was developed at Monash University in Australia in the 1990s as a drug for weight loss that had the fat burning effects of human growth hormone without adding the muscle-building effect.

It presents the same benefits as HGH on weight and metabolism, improving the burning of fat in the adipose tissue, without the risks and side-effects of the hormone itself. It does not increase the risk of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance often found with the use of HGH. In various studies the peptide did not present with growth promoting effect the way that HGH does; this avoids the risk of cancerous cells stimulation.  

AOD 9604 has two main actions that can help with weight loss:

  • It regulates fat metabolism by decreasing fat lipogenesis (fat storage) 

  • And stimulates fat lipolysis (fat burning) by triggering fat release from obese fat cells predominantly more than lean ones. 

Besides its effect on metabolism and weight AOD 9604 has been shown to have very favorable regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties due to its common shared structure with HGH. Currently, trials are underway to show the application of AOD 9604 in osteoarthritis, hyperlipidemia and bone and cartilage repair. 

AOD 9604 has an excellent safety and tolerability profile, identical to placebo; this peptide obtained GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status by the FDA several years ago. It is administered in a small subcutaneous injection 5 to 7 days a week. 

Amlexanox oral peptide 

Amlexanox has an interesting story as it was first marketed as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic compound which has traditionally been used as a paste to treat mouth and peptic ulcers by reducing healing time and pain. It has multiple mechanisms of action such as reducing inflammation by inhibiting the release of histamine and cytokines. 

It was later found to selectively inhibit two genes – the TBK1 (TANK-binding kinase 1) and IKK-3 (Inflammatory Kinase) genes – both involved in inflammatory processes, insulin resistance and fat storage. It is through this mechanism that Amlexanox produces substantial results in reducing HbA1C levels and increasing insulin sensitivity. By regulating the activity of these genes, the peptide has shown good results at producing reversible weight loss.

In animal studies a higher energy expenditure level was restored when the TBK1 gene was inhibited by Amlexanox in the fat cells. 

The mechanisms of action of this peptide are: 

  • Decrease inflammation.

  • Improve glucose control.

  • Improve insulin resistance and decrease HbA1C.

  • Reduce body fat and increase energy expenditures. 

Amlexanox seems to tweak the metabolic response from excessive calorie storage to rev up slow metabolism and improve energy expenditures. It is therefore a nice adjunct to any weight loss program. It is administered as an oral capsule taken 2 to 3 times a day with meals. It can be a good substitute for patients who cannot tolerate metformin, especially in the long term for weight maintenance. It has no reported side effects and is very safe to use.   

Epitalon peptide

Epitalon is a short peptide of 4 amino acids. It is a synthetic version of Epihalamine, a peptide extract of the pineal gland developed in Russia in the 1980s. The pineal gland is a small gland located at the base of our brain that has a powerful impact on our body functions. The pineal gland produces melatonin and plays a major role in regulating our circadian rhythm and inner clock. The pineal gland is also involved in regulating the female hormonal cycle, mood stability and contributes to cardiovascular health and immune function. Epitalon plays a major role in regulating the pineal gland, improving the circadian rhythm.  It can restore a normal secretion of melatonin and improves sleep patterns in adults.  

In the early 2000s, excitement about Epitalon increased, even more, when scientists found that it could activate telomerase, the enzymes responsible for telomeres growth. This has been largely studied in vitro as well as in animal and human research. In all these studies Epitalon significantly increased telomere length in the blood cells of patients of ages 60-65 and 75-80. 

This peptide could therefore play an important role as an antiaging agent, not only by its action on the brain and pineal gland but also by increasing telomere length through its action as a telomerase activator.

Several experimental models have identified an anticarcinogenic effect and cardio protector of Epitalon. In human studies where a 3-week course of treatment was applied every 6 months for a total of 3 courses, researchers saw reduced cardiovascular issues and reduced occurrence rates of cancer. 

This peptide has demonstrated some benefits to protect the brain against cognitive decline. It also acts as a mood stabilizer.

In conclusion Epitalon can play a vital role in slowing down the aging process and extending human lifespan.

It is administered on and off in a small subcutaneous injection with various dosage and frequency as needed. No serious side effects have been reported over the years of its use.

MOTS-c peptide

MOTS-c is another mitochondria-targeted peptide. It regulates metabolic function and restores high levels of energy in the cells.

The skeletal muscle is the main target for this peptide which enhances insulin sensitivity and the ability for the muscle cells to uptake glucose and burn calories without increasing insulin it acts in the same way exercise does; for this reason, MOTS-c has been called an “exercise-mimetic peptide.” It improves endurance at exercise and supports athletic performance. 

It helps in osteoporosis prevention as it promotes the activity of osteoblasts, by increasing the synthesis of Type I collagen in these cells responsible for bone formation.   

MOTS-c mainly acts through the Folate-AMPK pathway involved in energy metabolism, insulin resistance, inflammatory response, and aging-related pathologies. Because of the potential role of MOTS-c in maintaining energy and stress homeostasis it has implications in many conditions such as weight management, diabetes, cardiovascular health, brain protection and more. 

It is considered as one of the most potent peptides available to protect against aging-related pathological processes and promote healthy aging. 

It is administered in a small subcutaneous injection a few days a week following various protocols as needed. No serious adverse reaction has been reported in the literature. 

Selank nasal spray

Selank is a synthetic peptide with pronounced anxiolytic activity. It acts as a stable neuropsychotropic, antidepressant, and anti-stress drug that relieves aggression and fear reaction in different animal species. Selank has similar properties to the physiological effects of benzodiazepines. This suggests that there is a similar mechanism of action from Selank at the GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) receptors, the neuromediator that helps with calm and relaxation in the brain. Selank does not have the unwanted side effects of Benzodiazepines such as withdrawal, dependence, and amnesia. Numerous clinical studies have shown that Selank has strong antianxiety and neuroprotective effects in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders.

Selank has also been found to rapidly elevate the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus of mice, a natural compound that protects neurons. In human studies, Selank has demonstrated a nootropic action, which positively influences the formation of memory and learning processes. It can benefit anyone with memory loss or focus/attention problems. 

It is administered through nasal spray once or twice daily and does not have any major side effects reported so far. 

Dominique Fradin-Read