Peptides and Exosomes for Anti-Aging and Wellness

We shall continue this month with our series on anti-aging and wellness. Several patients asked Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read to write an article about peptides and exosomes, two new forms of treatments that are now recognized among the most powerful agents to address age-related conditions and help slow down the process of aging.

This month’s post will present a review of some of the most popular peptides offered at VitaLifeMD. Next month we will review the action of other peptides and the benefits of exosomes used in combination with the various peptides.

What are peptides and how do they work on the body?

Peptides are chains of amino acids linked together by special bonds. They are smaller than proteins and. can bind to some receptors on human cell’s membrane easily, sending a “message” to the cell. They act as signaling agents and have an important role in modulating the cellular function in various organs.

Numerous peptides exist that can be used for various conditions; each one has a special structure that allows a specific response from the body. It is estimated that at least 10% of the pharmaceutical market is based on peptides products that are FDA approved for certain conditions.

Other peptides have not been submitted to the FDA for approval, most of the time for financial reasons as the cost of clinical trials is too high. Some have started the process and received the first step of safety approval. In any case these peptides have proven their efficacy and are now used by the medical community to help optimize one’s health status and restore optimal cellular function as we age.

Let’s start with one of Dr. Fradin-Read’s favorite peptides, BPC157

BPC 157 is composed of 15 amino acids and produced in human gastric juice. However, production decreases with age. It has no major side effects reported in the literature and is very safe for any individual to take. It is administered daily in a small subcutaneous injection for the following indications:

  • It accelerates tendon-to-bone healing and healing of damaged ligaments.

  • It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent increasing blood flow to damaged tissues.

  • It decreases pain in damaged areas. Anyone suffering from discomfort due to muscle sprains, ligaments tears, or arthritis may benefit from treatment with this peptide.

  • It increases collagen synthesis and helps with skin aging and healing of skin wounds. It is recommended after any cosmetic procedure.

  • Interestingly BPC157 has a positive effect on the secretion of neurotransmitters, in particular Gaba and serotonin, enhancing the general emotional wellbeing of the patients.

It can also be taken orally for gut healing and has some potential benefits in chronic digestive conditions such as irritable bowel disease, inflammatory bowel disease, even helping with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

CJC1295- Ipamorelin

CJC 1295 is a synthetic peptide known as GHRH (growth hormone-releasing hormone) and acts in synergy with Ipamorelin a GHRP (growth hormone releasing peptide) to stimulate the release of natural HGH (Human Growth Hormone) from the pituitary gland.

These peptides work by binding to specific receptors on the pituitary gland triggering the production of HGH and its release into the blood stream. These two peptides are combined in the same bottle and are administered 5 days a week in a small subcutaneous injection. As growth hormone production naturally happens essentially at night and can be affected by food it is better to inject CJC- Ipamorelin at bedtime at least 30 minutes after eating.

The benefits of these peptides are numerous and directly linked to the increase of HGH and IGF1 in the blood. Some of these benefits include:

  • Increased muscle mass and muscle strength. Enhanced athletic performance.

  • Decreased body fat.

  • Improved sleep quality and REM cycle.

  • Increased cognitive function.

  • Faster recovery time post-injury.

  • Stronger immune system.

  • Skin and hair rejuvenation.

  • Better resistance to stress.

  • General anti-aging properties at the stem cells level.

Several studies have reported the benefits of these peptides for aging adults. They stimulate the release of natural growth hormone with minimal side effects and in a safer way than the administration of exogenous synthetic growth hormone.


Tesamorelin is another GHRH peptide that helps increase growth hormone level naturally. The structure of this peptide results in a longer half-life and a higher potency when compared to other similar agents such as CJC 1295. It is administered as a small subcutaneous injection 5 days a week. It can be combined with Ipamorelin for even higher HGH release in the blood stream. Like all GHRH it has all the positive effects of HGH but presents with even more benefits on the body:

  • It increases muscle mass, muscle strength, and. It supports endurance during exercise and general energy in everyday life.

  • It has a positive effect on abdominal adiposity.

  • It controls inflammation, has a general effect on lipid metabolism reducing triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

  • It supports cardiovascular health. In a recent Harvard study Tesamorelin was able to help decrease the Intima Media thickness of the carotid arteries, an early marker for cardiovascular risk.

  • In recent research it appears effective in enhancing cognition in patients with early dementia and might prevent cognitive decline and memory issues linked to aging.

  • Studies show that growth hormone may improve nerve injuries and peripheral polyneuropathy, including diabetic neuropathy.

Tesamorelin is the most potent HGH releasing agent currently on the market. It will benefit anyone that needs some support for a higher growth hormone level without the risk of starting to inject synthetic growth hormone directly.


The peptide Thymulin, originally called “facteur thymique serique” -or thymic factor- was discovered and characterized in 1977 by the French scientist Jean-Francois Bach. The peptide has a structure of 9 amino acids and is naturally produced in high quantity by the thymus gland before puberty.

Thymulin can substitute for the action of the thymus gland after it shrinks at puberty:

  • It helps restore immunity and “educate” T-lymphocytes and the natural killer cells (NK-cells) produced in the bone marrow turning these cells from their non-functional state to fully functional defensive cells. This process is called “cell differentiation”, an important step to support the immune system.

  • It enhances the proliferation of both T- helper cells involved in viral infections as well as T-suppressor cells regulating autoimmune diseases and protecting against cancer.

Besides its role as immune system support and regulator, Thymulin has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines production in case of a severe infection.

A growing body of evidence suggests that Thymulin is a hypophysiotropic peptide meaning that it can stimulate the production of pituitary hormones such as LH (Luteinizing hormone), Prolactin and even to a certain extend Thyrotropin hormone.

Finally, Thymulin, as all thymus extracts, presents a mild protection against hypercoagulability and risk of blood clots.

Thymulin is administered as a small subcutaneous injection. Frequency and dosage may vary depending on the health status of the patient. Dosage will be increased temporarily during an infection. No serious side effects have been reported and Thymulin is extremely safe to use.

Thymosin-β 4  

Thymosin-β 4  is often considered as cell rejuvenating peptide. It is a major cellular constituent in many tissues in the human body. The main purpose of this peptide is to promote healing and reduce inflammation:

  • It promotes cell regeneration, formation of blood vessels, maturation of stem cells, survival of various cell types and can lower the production of inflammatory cytokines.

  • Studies on pulmonary fibrosis offer encouraging results.

  • It has some positive effects for skin regeneration and wound repair.

Thymosin-β 4 presents an interesting indication for hair loss and hair thinning. It acts at the active phase of the hair follicle cycle by promoting the migration of news stem cells and the production of protease, the enzyme that helps build the hair thread. It increases blood flow and the formation of new vessels near the base of the follicles which helps with the nourishment of these cells. Thymosin-β 4 plays an important role both in hair follicle regeneration and hair growth.

Thymosin-β 4 is administered in a small daily subcutaneous injection. It is very safe and does not have any serious side effects.

Alexis Ufland