Dr. Fradin-Read's Supplement Regimen

In our January newsletter, we presented an exhaustive list of natural supplements and medications that show some potential benefits to reduce the burden of chronic diseases when we age and prolong lifespan.

Some of our patients reached out for guidance, asking what would be a good regimen for them to start, knowing that taking all of these products together was probably impossible.

Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read is happy to discuss here what she is taking on a regular basis and what could be a good recommendation for most patients. However, she encourages you to check if this regimen is right for you.


For supplements, our VitaLifeMD anti-aging cocktail NMN/ VitaResveratrol/ VitaSenolytic that has been presented many times over the years in our newsletters certainly remains a fundamental trio and provides great support with almost no side effects. Our products are made with special compounds from a reliable compounding pharmacy.

  • The VitaResveratrol is a special formula containing not only Resveratrol but also Pterostilbene, an analog derivative of Resveratrol with higher bioavailability. This enhances the potency of the product and makes it more beneficial to the body.

  • The VitaSenolytic combines both natural supplements Fisetin and Turmeric in the same capsule for a synergistic action to detox the body.

  • Our VitaLife NMN has been a great product as an NAD precursor since its development a few years ago. Dr Dominique Fradin-Read is currently working with her compounding pharmacy to improve the formula even more by adding a second precursor of NAD that will enhance the efficacy of the product.

If you have some mood imbalances or fear the risk of cognitive decline in the future, adding a small capsule of a lithium supplement every morning might not be a bad idea. Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read takes lithium herself as brain support. There is growing evidence that lithium could be repurposed as an anti-aging agent. A new study from King’s College in London demonstrates its benefits on aging cells, especially on neurons as it acts as a neuroprotector against a variety of neurotoxins.


With regards to medications, we recommend that you check with your provider for what would be best for you to take. These molecules offer great benefits on health without many side effects, which is the reason why we can prescribe them as anti-aging/preventative agents. Two of them can be considered for most patients as the literature has now clearly demonstrated their positive effects on aging cells: Metformin and Rapamycin.

  • Metformin has long-standing research showing preventative effects against the onset of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. It is particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from insulin resistance or weight issues. Except for some digestive discomfort experienced by some patients, Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read has rarely seen serious side-effects from the molecule in most of her clientele

  • Rapamycin is becoming one of the popular topics in podcasts or articles about longevity, and for good reasons! The molecule has now been largely studied as an anti-aging agent and its off-label use is considered as one of the most promising health-span promoting interventions.

    • Just a reminder of what was presented in our previous newsletter, Rapamycin can enhance the median life expectancy of middle-aged mice from 60%. Older animals equivalent to 60-year-old humans still hadsome benefits with an increase in longevity of 9% for males and 14 % for females. Translated in equivalent human numbers this would correspond to more than 7 more years of life. Several human trials on Rapamycin are under way with excellent early results so far. The mechanism of action of Rapamycin explains its benefits on health and longevity. It inhibits a gene called the m-TOR gene that is responsible for many age-related conditions, and it activates the process of autophagy to destroy abnormal cells especially pre-cancerous cells in the body.

    • Rapamycin also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and boosts the immune system in older adults. It helps improve cardiac function and reduce visceral adiposity. It is an easy product to take and Dr. Fradin-Read recommends the protocol of 6 mg taken only once a week for the purpose of anti-aging. Most physicians and health care professionals in the field of prevention are taking Rapamycin themselves on a regular basis.


Some patients will want to start with these recommendations. For those ready to go further, Dr. Fradin-Read could additionally recommend what she takes herself which is as follows:

  • Tirzepatide (one of the Glucagon-Like Peptide 1) at a small dose of 1.5 to 2 mg, injected subcutaneously once a week only, definitely helps with weight control and food cravings. More than that, the positive preliminary results in clinical trial showing benefits on cardiovascular disease, Alzheimers, and kidney or liver metabolic disease prevention appear very attractive. And at low dose and with a good diet rich in protein there is really no major side-effects reported.

  • A few peptides adapted to each patient’s needs are a good addition to the basic regimen. Dr. Fradin-Read will be happy to tell you which ones she is using herself and for which reasons.


  • Exosomes infusions a few times a year could also become a pioneer regenerative medicine technology, helping to slow down the aging process and the development of chronic illnesses. These infusions are not yet approved by the FDA.

  • VitaLifeMD works with exosome issues from Placenta Mesenchymal Stem Cells from a very good source from a laboratory currently conducting a clinical trial for the use of exosomes in post-Covid under FDA supervision. Exosomes can be used intravenously or in topical microneedling injections with great results for skin rejuvenation or hair loss.

In celebration of Valentine ‘s Day, as February is the month of love, Dr. Fradin-Read would like to take the opportunity to thank all her patients for their faithful partnership over the years. She would like to express the deep feelings and empathy she has for each of them and the fact that she loves helping them on their journey to optimal health.

At VitaLifeMD we try to always offer a loving and safe environment where our patients feel confident that they can be heard and understood. We do our best and sometimes we are not perfect (especially when it comes to answering the phones!). Know that we recognize the unique history of everyone, the various sensitivities, and personal needs.

We care for all our patients, and we love them.

Dr Fradin-Read and the whole VitaLifeMD team wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Dominique Fradin-Read