Anti-Aging Medicine and Beauty from Inside, Out

What is anti-aging medicine?

We talked before about assessing the aging process with the new TruAge™ test; what can we do to slow down the speed of aging and what does the term “anti-aging medicine” mean?

Except for identical twins, each of us is born with a specific genome at birth and this per se constitutes a difference in terms of health potential. However, we all know now that our genes are not our destiny and what matters the most in terms of health is the evolution of these genes over time through epigenetics. The optimal goal is to keep our capital of health at its maximum level as we get older. 

Anti-aging medicine starts with prevention; preventing any event that could harm our body, our immune system, our brain is obviously an essential goal. Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read is board certified in Preventive Medicine; she makes sure that her patients follow the recommendations of the US Preventive Task Force (USPTF), an agency that gives recommendations in terms of the various testing adapted to each age. This starts with regular annual comprehensive blood tests, cancer screening tests and imaging, full cardiovascular risk assessment and more.

Dr. Fradin-Read and Carley Cassity, our nurse practitioner, also focus on keeping the immune system of their patients at the highest level possible.  It is now proven that being sick and having repeated infections is one of the major components of the aging process. We saw recently the prolonged damages that the Covid 19 virus can have on some patients. The goal is to support the immune system as best as possible and protect our patients from being sick too often.    

Besides offering the testing that aims at detecting any abnormal condition at an early stage and keeping the immune system strong, there are lifestyle interventions that have proven to help prolong life. Carley and Dr. Fradin-Read both focus on guiding their patients in the best directions possible and help them modify habits that could be harmful.   

Then, one step ahead, comes the prescription of natural supplements, vitamins, peptides, hormones and medications, all adapted to each patient needs and targeting the weaknesses of our bodies in order to help optimize the function of our organs. These prescriptions are based on proven studies that have shown beneficial effects to slow down the aging process effectively.   

The TruAge™ test identifies the eras where one individual could have some specific weaknesses that should be watched more carefully; in that sense, this test helps personalize the approach of “anti-aging medicine”. 

The VitaLifeMD difference to beauty

Anti-aging medicine also means beauty from the inside out.

The health aspect of anti-aging would not be fulfilled if we did not address the appearance, the look of our patients, and what makes them feel good when they look in the mirror.  

Carley received specific training in esthetic medicine and now combines her training with a holistic and comprehensive health approach to optimize the internal health of our patients so that they glow with beauty and vitality, radiating through their complexion and positive energy into the world. 

You cannot maintain beautiful skin, healthy full hair, and a great body if you do not address the necessary support that our cells need to stay young. So many women ignore the fact that having low ferritin (reserve of iron in the body), low iodine, low protein, and low vitamin D which can impact their ability to respond to esthetic treatments offered by their dermatologist. And of course, the benefit of the hormones is obvious to many. 

We need to first add the right nutrients, the right hormones regimen, adequate peptide support and other “topical magic health tricks” that have proven to enhance esthetic treatments before you decide on any procedure that you would want to initiate. Then we can start offering creams, serums and other skin products once the basis for successful results from these treatments has fully been addressed.    

At VitaLifeMD the esthetic procedures performed in our office will always include that “health touch” that makes the difference. Carley knows how to utilize the lowest dose of products that are effective without causing any reaction or adverse effect (we like to call them VitaBotox or VitaFillers). As a little bonus, you will be offered at no cost a peptide mask to apply at home the day after your Botox or filler treatment. 

Our new French Nappage (microneedling) with peptides, amino acids and exosomes extracted from purified placental stem cells is unique and will add the anti-aging effect on skin texture or hair growth that you are looking for.  

Finally, we recommend using our at-home skin treatment duo. Our VitaJeunesse is an anti-aging cosmeceutical cream that includes a blend of three regenerative peptides to slow and even reverse the progressions of facial wrinkling. The Roo Skincare Revival Serum contains a unique synthetic placenta extract including a concentrated fusion of antioxidants, proteins, and dynamic growth factors that mimic the model for placenta and provides the same benefits, but is not from real placenta. Many of our patients have already adopted this regimen and have seen the benefits of improved skin texture and reduced fine lines after a few weeks. 


Book a 30-minute esthetic consult evaluation with Carley to make sure you are optimizing all that we offer at VitaLifeMD!

Alexis Ufland