Introducing French Nappage with topical exosomes for skin and hair rejuvenation: An enhanced natural anti-aging approach

What is the classical FRENCH NAPPAGE?

French Nappage is a unique technique that has been performed for years in Europe as a popular and effective skin rejuvenation and hair restoration treatment. It is performed as an alternative or a complement to laser resurfacing, microneedling, PRP, and other more invasive aesthetic procedures.  

Nappage in French means “delicate coating.” The technique involves the micro-injections of nutrients such as vitamins, hyaluronic acid, biomimetic peptides, and antioxidants that can be delivered directly to the deep layers of the skin with a minuscule needle. The French Nappage treatments help restore an optimal micro-nutrient environment in the deep layer of the skin of the face or the scalp. 

The treatment uses entirely natural products, no drug or pharmaceutical products. It is virtually pain-free and does not have any downtime or side effects as most other antiaging procedures might have.  

What are EXOSOMES?   

Exosomes are small vesicles formed inside the cells that carry various growth factors, proteins and extracts of DNA-RNA all important elements for the health and constant rejuvenation of the cells. Circulating exosomes have the potential to be released in the bloodstream and be absorbed by other cells modifying the function of the recipient cells.  Scientists were able to demonstrate that exosomes extracted from healthy cells could regenerate and repair the damage of unhealthy cells.  

As we get older our exosomes carry less of the rejuvenating agents and the body starts showing signs of aging.

Researchers at the University of North Carolina showed that exosomes extracted from human skin cells had a thousand times more potent rejuvenation power than PRP due to their higher content of growth factors.    

Unlocking the regenerative potential of EXOSOMES extracted from purified placenta stem cells 

VitaLifeMD is now offering an enhanced French Nappage treatment using exosomes extracted from purified placenta stem cells.

It is proven that placental exosomes carry a much higher concentration of growth factors than adult stem cells.  This increases the benefits of these young purified exosomes as antiaging agents.

Studies are now showing good evidence of these results on aging skin and hair loss.  

Benefits of the treatment:

In the skin, the nutrients- biomimetic peptides and stem cell growth factors in particular- stimulate the natural repair and bio-rejuvenation processes with increase production of collagen and elastin. This helps maintain optimal moisture and keeps the skin radiant with improved nourishment.  Most patients describe an impression of “freshness” and glow of their face after each treatment. 

Results of the treatments on the skin:

  • Visible rejuvenation of the skin texture 

  • Softening of fine lines and wrinkles  

  • Reduction of skin scars and texture irregularities

  • Improvement of hyperpigmentation

  • Firmer, brighter, and well-moisturized skin  

  • Radiant and glowing appearance of the face

Results of the treatments on the hair:

In the scalp, the nutrients help revive the follicles and assist in repairing tissue damage.  The plumped follicles are more robust, able to rebuild more keratin. This in turn slows down hair loss and results in fuller, healthier-looking hair.

  • Reduction of hair loss for all patients

  • Fuller, thicker hair

  • Shinier and healthier looking hair 

  • Hair re-growth after several weeks of treatment for most patients


Alexis Ufland